How to Guide
Wall Preparation for a Wallpaper Mural
1. Introduction
We believe everyone should have the ability to create a customised stunning new wallpaper mural.
Therefore, to get the most out of your wallpaper mural, it is important to prepare your wall correctly before you progress to install the wallpaper mural.
Before you start check out the Key Tips (on last page).
Therefore, to get the most out of your wallpaper mural, it is important to prepare your wall correctly before you progress to install the wallpaper mural.
Before you start check out the Key Tips (on last page).
2. Plaster Walls

- Ensure that your plastered wall is clean and dry with no loose plaster or contaminants. Old, flaking plaster will need to be scraped and sanded to a smooth surface.
3. Painted
- If your wall is painted, we recommend that the wallpaper mural is installed on matt emulsion paint only.
- Old, flaking paint will need to be scraped and sanded to a smooth surface.
- For freshly painted walls, allow 2 to 3 weeks drying time before installing your wallpaper mural.
4. Wallpaper
- If the wall already has wallpaper adhering to it, then it will need to be removed.
- Once removed ensure the wall surface is smooth, flat and free of dust or other containments.
5. Wallpaper Delivery
- Check the delivered wallpaper mural to ensure it is not damaged due to transport etc.
- It is recommended that two people hang the wallpaper mural together to help achieve the best results
Key Tips
- This guide is designed to assist in the preparation for PVC-free water-activated wallpaper mural installation.
- Wall surfaces MUST be smooth, flat and free of flaky paint, dust or other containments
- For best results use two people (“Install Buddy”) to complete the installation
- If you have arranged for an installer to hang the wallpaper mural, schedule them in once you have checked the delivered wallpaper mural to ensure it is not damaged due to transport etc.
- Panels are installed in sequential order
- For best results follow the full installation guide supplied with your wallpaper mural.
- There are more Guides to assist in preparation of your custom wallpaper mural. Check them out on our website: